Iowa Business Report
Now in its sixth year, the "Iowa Business Report” is a weekly half-hour radio program featuring interviews about business, government, the economy, jobs, trade, and investments. Each program also includes a “Business Profile” segment, telling the story of one Iowa-based company and its impact. The "Iowa Business Report" also airs as a weekday two-minute feature. The "Iowa Business Report" is presented with support from the Iowa Business Council (iowabusinesscouncil.org). The program is a copyrighted production of Totally Iowa Media, which is solely responsible for its content.
Iowa Business Report
Iowa Business Report Friday Edition -- September 30, 2022
Host: Jeff Stein
Season 2
Episode 195
Iowa Business Report Friday Edition
Sep. 30, 2022
Bob Wuben of Blooming Prairie Nursery talks about preserving and maintaining productive soils.